Industrial solutions for leisure

By IngenutTF In Airport installations No comments

In this occasion we bring you a special installation, as it is very different from the usual orders and projects that arrive at our office. It is the reproduction of several representatives places of the Island of Tenerife at the Thematic Park “Pueblo Chico”, located in La Orotava. In short, we are facing the search for industrial solutions focused on leisure.

The North Highway in PuebloChico

The North Highway in PuebloChico

We were lucky to make three reproductions including moving elements, 1:25 scaled, of three well-known places for the visitants of Pueblo Chico: the North Highway, the Port of Santa Cruz and the South Airport.

This work was designed by the technicians of INGENUT in its previous professional stage and it is currently maintained by INGENUT.


Resources for the space diversification
Reproductions of South Airport Tenerife

Reproductions of South Airport Tenerife

On the other hand, we also installed curtains made of PVC lamas in order to sectorize spaces, in Harinalia Canarias S.L., thereby avoiding leaks of elements or materials that might inconvenience other phases of a determined task.